Speech-Language Pathologist

List of Speech-Language Pathologist

We have information about 1892 Speech-Language Pathologists in Massachusetts.

Lottie Anne Miller

Speech-Language Pathologist

Auditory Processing Disorder, Dyslexia, Expressive Language Disorders, Pediatric Constipation, Receptive Language Disorders, Speech Disorders

Marie Claire Chan

Speech-Language Pathologist

Aphasia, Apraxia of Speech (AOS), Aural Rehabilitation, Stuttering, Swallowing Disorders, Traumatic Brain Injury

Molly Secrest

Speech-Language Pathologist

Accent Modification, Apraxia of Speech (AOS), Autism, Dysarthria, Pediatric Constipation, Traumatic Brain Injury

Melissa Gershon

Speech-Language Pathologist

Auditory Processing Disorder, Cerebral Palsy (CP), Cognitive-Communication Disorders, Dyslexia, Stuttering, Swallowing Disorders

Charles Jeans

Speech-Language Pathologist

Aphasia, Auditory Processing Disorder, Aural Rehabilitation, Constipation, Dyslexia, Feeding and Swallowing

Jean M. Irving

Speech-Language Pathologist

Auditory Processing Disorder, Autism, Constipation, Executive Function, Pediatric Constipation, Traumatic Brain Injury

Suzanne Marie Maceachern

Speech-Language Pathologist

Apraxia of Speech (AOS), Auditory Processing Disorder, Cerebral Palsy (CP), Cognitive-Communication Disorders, Dysarthria, Pediatric Constipation

Dr. Elens Zaretsky

Speech-Language Pathologist

Apraxia of Speech (AOS), Cerebral Palsy (CP), Dyslexia, Expressive Language Disorders, Feeding and Swallowing, Traumatic Brain Injury

Patricia Parkhurst

Speech-Language Pathologist

Aphasia, Aural Rehabilitation, Constipation, Pediatric Constipation, Swallowing Disorders, Traumatic Brain Injury

Carrie J. Coughlin

Speech-Language Pathologist

Apraxia of Speech (AOS), Cerebral Palsy (CP), Dyslexia, Pediatric Constipation, Speech Disorders, Stuttering

Rebecca P. Hagerty

Speech-Language Pathologist

Autism, Executive Function, Expressive Language Disorders, Progressive Neurological Disorders, Receptive Language Disorders, Speech Disorders

Eileen Russo

Speech-Language Pathologist

Apraxia of Speech (AOS), Auditory Processing Disorder, Cognitive-Communication Disorders, Delayed Speech, Dyslexia, Progressive Neurological Disorders

Jeana Lauren Baptiste

Speech-Language Pathologist

Apraxia of Speech (AOS), Auditory Processing Disorder, Aural Rehabilitation, Cognitive-Communication Disorders, Constipation, Social Communication Disorders

Jeanan Al-Haddad

Speech-Language Pathologist

Aural Rehabilitation, Cognitive-Communication Disorders, Constipation, Dyslexia, Expressive Language Disorders, Social Communication Disorders

Semra S. Koymen

Speech-Language Pathologist

Auditory Processing Disorder, Expressive Language Disorders, Pediatric Constipation, Progressive Neurological Disorders, Speech Disorders, Stuttering