List of Speech-Language Pathologist
We have information about 1232 Speech-Language Pathologists in Indiana.
Emilee Sherrow
Speech-Language Pathologist
Dysarthria, Dyslexia, Feeding and Swallowing, Receptive Language Disorders, Stuttering, Traumatic Brain Injury
Lindsay Stone
Speech-Language Pathologist
Accent Modification, Aphasia, Apraxia of Speech (AOS), Auditory Processing Disorder, Aural Rehabilitation, Executive Function
Ida Marie Reid
Speech-Language Pathologist
Aphasia, Apraxia of Speech (AOS), Cognitive-Communication Disorders, Executive Function, Pediatric Constipation, Progressive Neurological Disorders
Sara Parker
Speech-Language Pathologist
Aphasia, Autism, Expressive Language Disorders, Progressive Neurological Disorders, Speech Disorders, Stuttering
Rachel Lea Rideout
Speech-Language Pathologist
Aphasia, Aural Rehabilitation, Executive Function, Feeding and Swallowing, Progressive Neurological Disorders, Swallowing Disorders
Jennifer Kline
Speech-Language Pathologist
Auditory Processing Disorder, Delayed Speech, Dyslexia, Executive Function, Feeding and Swallowing, Social Communication Disorders
Laquita Schwartz
Speech-Language Pathologist
Apraxia of Speech (AOS), Dysarthria, Feeding and Swallowing, Speech Disorders, Stuttering, Traumatic Brain Injury
Kelly Newman
Speech-Language Pathologist
Accent Modification, Aphasia, Cerebral Palsy (CP), Feeding and Swallowing, Progressive Neurological Disorders, Swallowing Disorders
Rebecca Durbin
Speech-Language Pathologist
Aphasia, Apraxia of Speech (AOS), Aural Rehabilitation, Delayed Speech, Social Communication Disorders, Speech Disorders
Kimberly Moreno
Speech-Language Pathologist
Aphasia, Auditory Processing Disorder, Cerebral Palsy (CP), Constipation, Receptive Language Disorders, Social Communication Disorders
Shannon Price
Speech-Language Pathologist
Auditory Processing Disorder, Cerebral Palsy (CP), Cognitive-Communication Disorders, Delayed Speech, Receptive Language Disorders, Stuttering
Cindy Teller
Speech-Language Pathologist
Dyslexia, Expressive Language Disorders, Pediatric Constipation, Social Communication Disorders, Swallowing Disorders, Traumatic Brain Injury
Angela Mcafee
Speech-Language Pathologist
Accent Modification, Aphasia, Apraxia of Speech (AOS), Constipation, Feeding and Swallowing, Traumatic Brain Injury
Paige Stuckey
Speech-Language Pathologist
Aural Rehabilitation, Autism, Cognitive-Communication Disorders, Expressive Language Disorders, Pediatric Constipation, Receptive Language Disorders
Lindsay Larger
Speech-Language Pathologist
Apraxia of Speech (AOS), Cerebral Palsy (CP), Delayed Speech, Dysarthria, Dyslexia, Stuttering