List of Speech-Language Pathologist
We have information about 1587 Speech-Language Pathologists in Arkansas.
Dr. Joseph Agan
Speech-Language Pathologist
Apraxia of Speech (AOS), Cognitive-Communication Disorders, Dysarthria, Pediatric Constipation, Progressive Neurological Disorders, Traumatic Brain Injury
Shaunda Brewer
Speech-Language Pathologist
Accent Modification, Aphasia, Autism, Constipation, Progressive Neurological Disorders, Stuttering
Elizabeth Bailey
Speech-Language Pathologist
Auditory Processing Disorder, Aural Rehabilitation, Cognitive-Communication Disorders, Dysarthria, Executive Function, Stuttering
Kelly Hearn
Speech-Language Pathologist
Constipation, Delayed Speech, Executive Function, Expressive Language Disorders, Pediatric Constipation, Social Communication Disorders
Kathryn Martin
Speech-Language Pathologist
Aphasia, Auditory Processing Disorder, Receptive Language Disorders, Social Communication Disorders, Stuttering, Traumatic Brain Injury
Lorie Dischner
Speech-Language Pathologist
Accent Modification, Autism, Pediatric Constipation, Stuttering, Swallowing Disorders, Traumatic Brain Injury
Lesli Bacon Mccully
Speech-Language Pathologist
Apraxia of Speech (AOS), Aural Rehabilitation, Constipation, Dysarthria, Speech Disorders, Traumatic Brain Injury
Natalie Smith
Speech-Language Pathologist
Aphasia, Autism, Cognitive-Communication Disorders, Delayed Speech, Executive Function, Receptive Language Disorders
Cara Huff
Speech-Language Pathologist
Aphasia, Dysarthria, Dyslexia, Expressive Language Disorders, Pediatric Constipation, Receptive Language Disorders
Jenna L. Jones
Speech-Language Pathologist
Accent Modification, Aphasia, Apraxia of Speech (AOS), Aural Rehabilitation, Cerebral Palsy (CP), Feeding and Swallowing
Melissa Ann Vose
Speech-Language Pathologist
Aural Rehabilitation, Constipation, Expressive Language Disorders, Feeding and Swallowing, Swallowing Disorders, Traumatic Brain Injury
Karen Margaret Wade
Speech-Language Pathologist
Cognitive-Communication Disorders, Constipation, Dysarthria, Expressive Language Disorders, Pediatric Constipation, Traumatic Brain Injury
Twana Watkins
Speech-Language Pathologist
Delayed Speech, Dyslexia, Executive Function, Pediatric Constipation, Social Communication Disorders, Stuttering
Kayla Marie West
Speech-Language Pathologist
Auditory Processing Disorder, Constipation, Delayed Speech, Feeding and Swallowing, Social Communication Disorders, Swallowing Disorders
Bethany Bersche
Speech-Language Pathologist
Accent Modification, Constipation, Expressive Language Disorders, Pediatric Constipation, Progressive Neurological Disorders, Stuttering