List of Speech-Language Pathologist
We have information about 199 Speech-Language Pathologists in Alaska.
Julie A. Lebaron
Speech-Language Pathologist
Constipation, Delayed Speech, Dysarthria, Executive Function, Receptive Language Disorders, Swallowing Disorders
Danielle Wellik
Speech-Language Pathologist
Accent Modification, Apraxia of Speech (AOS), Aural Rehabilitation, Executive Function, Expressive Language Disorders, Social Communication Disorders
Angela Threeton Gasper
Speech-Language Pathologist
Aphasia, Auditory Processing Disorder, Cognitive-Communication Disorders, Dysarthria, Pediatric Constipation, Swallowing Disorders
Jamie Lauralee Mccraren
Speech-Language Pathologist
Autism, Cerebral Palsy (CP), Cognitive-Communication Disorders, Delayed Speech, Dysarthria, Pediatric Constipation
Kila Gilcart
Speech-Language Pathologist
Auditory Processing Disorder, Executive Function, Expressive Language Disorders, Progressive Neurological Disorders, Stuttering, Traumatic Brain Injury
Karen Spicer Doyle
Speech-Language Pathologist
Executive Function, Pediatric Constipation, Progressive Neurological Disorders, Receptive Language Disorders, Social Communication Disorders, Stuttering
Lauren Clements
Speech-Language Pathologist
Cognitive-Communication Disorders, Constipation, Delayed Speech, Expressive Language Disorders, Feeding and Swallowing, Speech Disorders
Kristen Leigh Debord
Speech-Language Pathologist
Aural Rehabilitation, Autism, Cerebral Palsy (CP), Dyslexia, Executive Function, Traumatic Brain Injury
Allison Emmert
Speech-Language Pathologist
Accent Modification, Cognitive-Communication Disorders, Constipation, Delayed Speech, Dyslexia, Feeding and Swallowing
Carol A. Johnson
Speech-Language Pathologist
Auditory Processing Disorder, Delayed Speech, Dyslexia, Receptive Language Disorders, Speech Disorders, Stuttering
Judith Hayden
Speech-Language Pathologist
Auditory Processing Disorder, Cerebral Palsy (CP), Cognitive-Communication Disorders, Dysarthria, Pediatric Constipation, Speech Disorders
Rebecca M. Hanson
Speech-Language Pathologist
Apraxia of Speech (AOS), Auditory Processing Disorder, Executive Function, Pediatric Constipation, Receptive Language Disorders, Stuttering
Alissa Thurman
Speech-Language Pathologist
Accent Modification, Autism, Dyslexia, Executive Function, Pediatric Constipation, Traumatic Brain Injury
Karen Stafford
Speech-Language Pathologist
Accent Modification, Apraxia of Speech (AOS), Autism, Executive Function, Expressive Language Disorders, Pediatric Constipation
Megan Kelley
Speech-Language Pathologist
Auditory Processing Disorder, Delayed Speech, Feeding and Swallowing, Pediatric Constipation, Speech Disorders, Stuttering